How does it work? Is your website secure?

We have shared our knowledge about website security in the magazine "Bedrijvig Altena" You can read in this article why it's important to maintain your website. If you have any questions about this article please let us know. We gladly share the details with you! Click here for the whole story (only in Dutch) #websitehosting #websitesecurity Čtěte více »

28čt Duben 2021
When was your last backup?

Ransomeware, hackers and viruses are all causes of heavy dataloss. Therefore a good backup is mandatory. Why? You can read this in the december edition of "Bedrijvig Altena". Please click here for the article (article is in Dutch).


16čt Prosinec 2020
PL-Systems partners with Youwipe

We proudly announce our partnership with Youwipe. Since the first of december 2020, PL-Systems is using the software of Youwipe to wipe data in a safe and easy way. After wiping data a digitally signed certicifate will be provided.

Do you want to know more? Please click here. (in Dutch)

15čt Prosinec 2020
Getting acquainted within the area of Altena

In the magazine "Bedrijvig Altena" we have introduced ourselves within the area of Altena. In this article we are telling what we do. The people of Bedrijvig Alterna created this nice article "Invisible work for visible results".

Click here for the article (article is in Dutch)

23rd Zář 2020
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